There is sticky and then there is sticky. I am not talking about the kind of sticky that gets on your fingers after you’ve eaten a honey comb. I’m talking about the term people use to describe a website that has all the right elements needed to keep your visitors coming back over and over.
There are a number of things you can go to bring visitors back to your site:
1. Keep It Fresh
Make sure you keep the content fresh, new, and ever changing. When people know that they will always see new articles and information when they return to your site, they will eventually make returning a port of their internet surfing habits.
2. Incorporate user-generated content.
I use a discussion forum one of my websites. The members of the forum are constantly making posts that add to the useful content of my overall site. People come back daily to check and see what it new on the forums. Once there, the main site is not far from there I minds anymore.
3. Use a newsletter and a mailing list.
This is my favorite option, because it is not dependant upon people remembering on their own to return to your site. You are reaching out and bring them back.
So, let’s elaborate on my last point: a newsletter. It is easier than you think to put together a simple e-mail newsletter that you can send out weekly or monthly to your site’s visitors to keep them abreast of what’s happening on your site. You send out the hook and they come back to read more.
You might think it would be a lot of work, but you can actually use content you have already developed. By using Zookoda, a free application designed with bloggers in mind (though content providers with rss/atom feeds can utilize it as well), you mail out a summary of your latest blog entries as often as you like.
Your subscribers are people who have sited your blog and use the custom newsletter subscription forms that you place on your site. Once you’ve created your mailing list, you just schedule broadcasts for each day, week or month. Your newsletters can even match the design of your blog, and they can be formatted for mobile readers.
Creating the e-mail that will go to your list is as easy as filling out a few fields.

Sticky. It’s all about sticky. Bring those readers back to your site, to your blog, to your business. And, keep them coming back on a regular basis. Before you know, you have a solid, regular reader base and a more successful website.