February Flu
Well, it finally hit our home. We got the winter flu. So far, we have been SO lucky around here and the only thing that has made anyone in the house feel bad is the early onset of spring here in Florida and our allergies kicking in a bit early.
Last night, though, around 1 a.m. I heard my daughter trashing around. The ext thing I knew I heard her vomiting. She had it all over her bed, the floor, the shoes next to her bed, and herself before I knew it. Before the night was over, I had washed two sets of sheets and blankets, bathed my daughter, and accompanied her to the bathroom at least a dozen times.
In the midst of all this, I head my mother running to the bathroom. She was struck with the same flu at just about the same hour as my daughter woke up sick. It’s been an odd day so far. And, to top that off, my nephew had spent the night and he is sick as well. I ended up calling my sister at work so she could come help out. I will stay here with the kids while she takes our mom to the hospital.
When it rains, it pours.
Sorry your family has been sick. Is your mom doing okay now? Since everyone got sick almost simultaneously, could it have been some form of food poisoning? Hope you’re all feeling better now.

The hospital ER admitted my mom. Her white and red blood counts are both way off, so I suppose it is a good thing they kept her. They have her in a clean room, etc.
I miss having her here.