I’m OK with online dating. I met my ex that way and although the marriage did not work out in the end, meeting online was not a factor in the demise. It was a way for me to meet a lot of new people here in Florida when I first moved down and did not know much of anyone outside of work. I actually met a LOT of great guys. I just picked the wrong one to marry
I’m not the first girl in the world to make that kind of mistake.
I was surprised at how many professional guys were out there looking to meet someone outside of a bar setting. In our society, there just aren’t many other options. People don’t go to barn dances and supper clubs anymore.
Initial contact is hard to make in a world where most adults are holding down busy jobs. Who wants to hang out in a bar and hope you meet the right person in a beer-soaked room full of people talking too loud? More often than not, people are not in bars to find a long-term connection anyway. You have to find a different way to connect with like-minded people.
I’ve joined a variety of dating sites since I divorced. In all actuality, I’m not ready to start dating, but I do like the friendships I’ve made. One thing is always the same when I am looking for a social site. I do not believe anyone should have to pay a lot to meet another person online. There are just too many great, free and low cost sites. Of course, you want to do your homework and use one of the better sites that have some privacy settings in place and a variety of people in your area signed up and ready to go.
Date.com is probably the biggest dating network out there. It’s free to join, but there are small fees involved in contacting people. Either way, you can still look around risk free to make sure what you want is out there waiting for you! They have more support features than most dating sites, including a newsletter, profile assistance and access to dating advisors. The biggest draw might simply be the fact that their membership is massive. When it comes to finding the perfect date in a crowd of people, the bigger crowds are going to yield more results. They say there are plenty of fish in the sea. Might as well find the biggest sea. 
Posted in Recreation, Entertainment November 2nd, 2007 by Angie | 1 comment
I’ve got roses that are really beginning to find their footing now that it is November. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 100 times – I love having a year-round growing season in Florida.
I planted a couple of rose bushes outside the kitchen window, next to the birdbath. They are just going to town out there, blooming all over the place. I usually leave the flowers out there to add beauty to the yard, but I cut one off this evening to enjoy inside. Something about having it next to a Thanksgiving table ornament feels ironic to me.
I also have a Peace Rose out on the front porch, ready to be put in the ground. Maybe I can do that tomorrow.

Posted in Home & Garden, Florida November 2nd, 2007 by Angie | 1 comment
I never used to have problems with my teeth being sensitive. I remember when I was growing up, my mom used special toothpaste for her teeth, but up until just recently I had no real concept about what she was experiencing.
My sensitivity started when I had a couple of porcelain fillings done. At the same time, I had the three silver fillings from my youth replaced with white. One of the side effects of the compound they use in white fillings is added sensitivity. Sometimes very cold foods and drinks hurt my teeth. I even have a bit of pressure sensitivity. But, I like the look of the white fillings and it’s all around good to have the mercury out of my teeth.
I have a new tooth routine now. I still use the same toothbrush style I’ve loved for years, along with a Reach flosser, but I’ve substituted my old toothpaste out for sensitive toothpaste.
I’ve started to use Biotene Sensitive when I brush now, in order to try and reduce sensitivity. The product has Xylitol in it, too. Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar and is considered “tooth friendly”. It is also good for the prevention of cavities. You will notice that a lot of chewing gums are now sweetened with Xylitol. Those gums are actually beneficial. It’s the same with the Biotene. The toothpaste’s ingredients are not only working to reduce the pain of sensitive teeth, they are also working to prevent the conditions that cause the pain.
I notice that a lot of my posts lately are dealing with the myriad of tiny health issues that are entering my life as a coast on toward 40. 
Posted in Health November 2nd, 2007 by Angie | No comments
I have very little in the way of details, but the missing 11-year-old Lakeland, FL girl was found safe at a house in Lakeland about 2:15 p.m., according to the sheriff’s office.
I’ll be interested to hear why she did not return home or go to school this morning. Surely, there is more to this story than meets the eye. There is also public outcry about the fact that although the local police submitted a request for an Amber Alert, the state officials did not issue one.
Posted in Florida November 2nd, 2007 by Angie | No comments
When I packed up to move the last time, I gave my sister most of my maternity clothes. I see now that I kept a few pieces and although the reason I did that escapes me, I imagine I did it so that I had some favorite pieces to show Gigi when she is older. I can’t imagine I will need them again anytime soon and even if I do, I will more than likely want to buy newer styles.
I’m happy with one child, but every now and then I read a story that brings the reality quite close to the surface that things can happen that take a child away from you forever, in the blink of an eye.
Out in Wesley Chapel, Fl (not so far from where I used to live), a 4-year-old boy was out with his brother in the playing field in their own neighborhood when he was hit in the chest by a pitched baseball. It was absolutely an accident, but the blow ended up killing him.
It’s heartbreaking to think how fragile life can be. My breath catches if I even attempt to imagine losing Gigi.
Posted in Family & Parenting November 2nd, 2007 by Angie | No comments
I guess there is going to be a lot of empty real estate in the frozen section of most supermarkets this weekend. Boatloads of frozen pizzas were recalled because of possible E. coli contamination.If you like to much on Totino’s and Jeno’s pizza, you’ll be out of luck for the most part. I’m not much a frozen pizza eater and when I do indulge, I usually go for California Pizza Kitchen. If we want pizza around here, I usually make it from scratch.
The recalled pizzas are a risk because of the pepperoni they contain. The recall covers pizzas containing pepperoni that have been produced since July, when the first of 21 E. coli illnesses under investigation by state and federal authorities emerged.
Throw away all recalled pizzas. You can obtain replacements by clipping the bar code from the box and mailing it with your name and address to Totino’s/Jeno’s, P.O. Box 200 - Pizza, Minneapolis, MN 55440-0200.
Symptoms of E. coli can include stomach cramps and diarrhea. People typically are ill for two to five days but can develop complications including kidney failure.
Posted in Food & Cooking, Health November 2nd, 2007 by Angie | No comments
Yesterday I talked about going to the dermatologist. Today my rant is about the price of prescription coverage. My insurance plan is not all that helpful, especially with newer medications. I pay 20%, 30% or 50% of the retail value. I called my insurance company this morning to see ahead of time what I could expect if I brought my medications to the pharmacy. One of the meds would be reasonable, but they could find pull the price on another and the last two would cost me $222.xx and $105.xx respectively.
Uh, no thank you.
I do need an antibiotic for a little bit due to a spot on my side, but surely we can find a less expensive alternative that will do the trick. As for the foams and washes and creams for my face, my adult acne is not that bad. It’s certainly worse than when I was a teen with flawless skin, but the ingredients in the products are just higher concentrations of stuff you can get elsewhere. I think will look for other options on my own. Besides, at this point I have bottles and tubes sitting all over both