Life on Florida’s West Coast

The Pot Pies are Gross Anyway

I love a good pot pie. Sometimes I will eat a frozen pot pie made by Michaelina’s, but most often I make my own. It’s sort of the best of everything when it comes to comfort food: tender meat, flavorful veggies, rich gravy, and a flakey crust. I do a pot pie better than anything you can get in the freezer section.

Most frozen pot pies are pretty gross, and things just got grosser. Is that a word?

Yesterday, ConAgra Foods has voluntarily stopped production at their plant in Missouri that makes Banquet brand potpies. Apparently, the pies have been linked to a possible 139 cases of salmonella in 30 states.


The word is, do NOT eat ConAgra’s chicken or turkey potpies until investigations are complete. Most of the cases have been in reported in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Missouri.

Earlier this year, it was also ConAgra that recalled all of its peanut butter because of salmonella.

USDA said the Missouri plant made Banquet and generic store brand potpies. All of the potpies made at the plant in question have ‘P-9′ printed on the side of the box as part of a code above the use-by date.

Consumers who want a refund should send the side panel of the package that contains the ‘P-9′ location code to: ConAgra Foods, Dept. BQPP, P.O. Box 3768, Omaha NE 68103-0768. Consumers with questions can call at 1-866-484-8671.

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Comment by valmg Subscribed to comments via email
2007-10-10 16:36:10

Mrs Budd’s makes chicken pot pies that are pretty good. I have to have a top that is not dry. I’ve never tried making one from scratch. Do you have a recipe you’ll share?

Comment by Angie
2007-10-10 19:02:33

I will dig up this really easy one my old room mate used to make, and she wasn’t even one to cook usually. It uses some shortcuts, but turns out yummy.

I’ll post it later tonight.

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