Life on Florida’s West Coast

Dating in the Dark

Call me nuts, but even after conducting a viewing purge that eliminated most reality shows out of my regular TV watching schedule – I really took to this new show Dating in the Dark.

I think there have only been two episodes on so far. I taped it last night, but a minute in I realized it was a rerun and deleted it from the DVR. Even so, those two episodes were an awful lot of fun.

As you may be able to tell from the title of the show, it is a dating experiment where couples get to know each other in a completely dark room. At the end, the each pick who they want to see in the light and after having a few seconds to see the face and body of the person they have developed a relationship of sorts with, thy decide whether or not to meet back up and discuss going on future dates.

The first episode had a semi-attractive female contestant that thought a lot more of herself than I assume most people thin of her, and she decided not to meet back up with her intended. This, despite the fact that the guy was perfectly cute, a great kisser, and charming. She just felt that looks-wise he was below her. I can only hope this hinders her dating out in the real world. She showed her true colors and they were muddled and grey.

The second episode did have one guy decide not to meet up with his very hot partner after he saw her, but not because she wasn’t smokin’ hot (because he agreed that she was), but because she was too religious for him. At least he showed some internal character via his actions. There was also a guy who packed a Kettlebell in his luggage and had to prove to his date that he was more than just a muscle head, but that worked out in the end and was a delightlful show that not all stereotypes are justly founded.

It’s a flimsy summer show, for sure, but good for a chuckle and shines some light on the ongoing debate about whether or not looks really matter when it comes to love.

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