Health Plans
I have not actively been on my diet now for over 3 months. I have not lost any more weight, but neither have I gained any weight. I have successfully learned to maintain, which is a great skill to have. I can eat pretty heartily and maintain my weight, due to my activity level and a relatively good metabolism for my age.
I want to jump back on the train soon, though. I will not be going back to a weight loss doctor, because I can no longer afford it. Now that the school district has given my job to someone with more seniority, I am in a position where I have to wait and see. I need to wait and see if any positions open up this summer and I need to wait and see what sort of instructional positions will be posted for the upcoming academic year. I have to wait and see, and in the meantime I am without a paycheck and moving quickly into a situation where I will need to pay COBRA fees out of pocket in order to maintain my health insurance.
So my plan is to start back on the menu my doctor gave me and look into reviews to find the best weight loss pills that are available over the counter. I was getting a prescription at the office where I went for weekly check-ins, but I know there are medications more readily available that are just as safe – if not safer.
I had one friend tell me that I should continue seeing the doctor I was seeing; that I should consider it a financial sacrifice worth making. I told her that even when was working it WAS a financial sacrifice. I made poverty level wages in the position I had with the school district. Now I am making nothing, so it’s a sacrifice beyond reason.
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