Life on Florida’s West Coast

Just Because a Court Says Not Guilty…

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…does not make me believe the guy is actually not guilty.

So, Youssef Megahed was acquitted by a federal jury today. This, despite the other student he was riding in the car with when they were stopped and arrested on suspicion of illegally transporting explosives and possession of an explosives device in their car near a military base in South Carolina pleaded guilty earlier.

I ask you, if an American were to be thrown to the mercy of the courts in Megahed‘s home county of Egypt, would they EVER have been given a trial that would have resulted in being acquitted simply because in the end they could not prove he KNEW about the pipe bombs. You know, the pipe bombs that were found in the trunk of the car owned by his brother. And this, even though his “buddy” admitted he was guilty of aiding terrorists.

It is indeed difficult to prove what was or was not inside someone’s head. It’s just as easy to lie.

Now the guy wants to go back to USF and finish his degree. Let’s see how long it takes for him to get caught up in another shady situation.

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