Ego Buster
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Holy cow. I have been reviewing study materials this week for an additional subject area exam I took this afternoon. It is in my area of passion. I have more than one college degree associated with the subject. I have taken class after class on how to teach it. I am in the subject classes daily at the high school. I’m well-read and associate with others who are well-read in the subject.
Even so, I came out of the exam feeling like a simpleton. Since there was an essay involved, I did not get my score immediately and have to wait about three weeks for the results. If I did not pass, I cannot re-take the exam for at least 31 days, not to mention that it was pricey to take it in the first place.
I know the high school is going to be thinking about new hires soon. I need to get my little resume packet together and was hoping I could say with all honesty that all of my desired certifications were up and running.
Cross your fingers for me, or better yet say a pray. Of course, that prayer is not for me to do well on the test, since what is done is done. Those prayers would be for my wrecked nerves!
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