Conflicted March
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Heading into March is such a conflicted time for me here in Florida. This is when our spring allergy season begins and I know that the next month or so is going to be rough on me, and my daughter. We both feel sick for weeks, though it’s not a contagious sort of sick. Sneezing, cough, wheezing, itching, red eyes, and pretty much every other typical seasonal allergy symptom – these are all my fulltime companions for at least the next month. Pretty soon I will need to stop wearing my contact lenses on a daily basis and resort to my glasses. And while my glasses are decidedly cute, I lose all depth perception while wearing them – and that alone is enough to make me ponder laser surgery year after year.
On the other hand, forever green and flowery Florida becomes even more green and flowery beginning in late February and early March. Trees all over the place have pink and blue and purple blossoms. The oak trees and the maples are putting out astounding amounts of pollen, and new baby leaves. It is, in a word, breath-taking. The overall beauty of Florida increases a hundred-fold in the spring.
As I said, I’m conflicted. I’m miserable, and in awe. I’m achy and tired and bleary-eyes, but my mood is elevated by all of the color and light and fresh outdoor smells. And, I keep reminding myself that before I moved to Florida I suffered through two allergy seasons a year – spring and fall. I was born and raised in the Washington, DC suburbs. Four seasons are nice, but with those additional seasons come additional allergy seasons. I miss autumn, but being able to breath effortlessly throughout the autumn is a more than fair tradeoff.
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