Life on Florida’s West Coast

Love MagNext Toys?

Not that I have a whole lot of fee time now that I am working again, but I still like to take some time every day and unwind with some online gaming. Come to think of it, I stopped having much time to game once my daughter was born. Still, I like to fit it in when I can.

My style is to find a game I can play online preferably for free, and then find a group of like-minded players to team up with for a more interactive game experience. I’m not particularly into super aggressive or violent games, and now that my daughter is interested in online games as well, I look more often for games we can enjoy together. May as well make it a family event and work in more quality time with my daughter.

Virtual paper dolls and online games based on cartoons only interested Gigi for so long. She has her eye on the generation ahead of her, just like any young child. I have no desire for her to zip right into teen oriented games, so I’m always on the lookout for age appropriate games for her.

MEGA Brands has some very cool, very kid-friendly online games available. We’ve signed up for several. The latest in our family gaming venture is MagNext Virtual. It’s a MMORPG based on MEGA’s popular MagNext toys. My daughter’s cousin has an impressive collection and they are always the toy of preference when we are there to visit – which is often. So, you can imagine that we were sold on the concept as soon as we found the game portal.

While you are playing, you can hang out in virtual social rooms, chat safely with other players and earn Magz that allow you to “purchase” new skills and cool game gear. Because the system is multi-player, you can challenge other players to contests and learn new game skills.

The best part, aside from the fact that it is action packed and kid friendly, is that you can play free forever. Sign up and join in on the fun. We enjoyed it so much my daughter and I had to make an agreement about a daily time limitation.

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