Happy New Year
Well, I woke up this morning with what felt like a bad hangover. Why do say that as if it is an odd thing? I have not had a drink in at least a year, and even when I do drink it is never, ever enough to even feel buzzy.
The woman who owns the house next door had a large party last night and people were out in the yard until about 3:30 a.m. hooting and shouting drunkenly. They were splashing in the pool and wandering the nearby yards. It kept me awake, wondering if anyone was going to drunkenly wander over here and pass out
So, when I woke up with a migraine and a very queasy stomach, the shakes and a feeling of dehydration I laughingly commented to a family member that maybe one of the drunken kids last night had cast their hangover onto me.
That same family member said it was more likely I went to sleep and had a dream about the situation next door, maybe even dreaming I was drunk. She told me it is not so difficult to trick the brain into believing you are sick, or if you are sick you can trick it into believing it is healing.
She has a point. So, I took a little Excedrin Migraine and went back to bed for another sleep cycle. I feel pretty OK now.
Happy New Year!
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