Life on Florida’s West Coast

McCain and His Campaign Suspension

I think my stance as a solid Independent when it comes to politics gives me a quite a clear view in this entire presidential election campaign. I can sincerely say that before the Republicans and the Democrats chose their candidates, I had absolutely no more compelling urge to vote one way or another. I’ve been able to look at the issues from a true middle position.

So, this new kink in the drama is particularly amusing to me. McCain has suspended his campaign in order to focus more time on the absolute financial crisis that Washington is currently examining.

Democratic supporters are ridiculously jumping at the situation, claiming this is a sigh that McCain is afraid of the debate. Other Democrats say McCain is using this as a “distraction” (Joe Biden) and “desperate” (Keith Boykin).

Excuse me while I take a few minutes to regain my breath. I laughed so hard I am wheezing.

It is not as though McCain is new on the horizon. The guy has a long, public record of being well-prepared, easy-going, confident and on-target when speaking. This is the man who actually tried to invite more debates with Barrack Obama, while Obama stodgily stuck to the idea that he was only willing to participate in the required number of debates.

I happen to agree that McCain’s decision to suspend his campaign is a move that shots confidence. If he were truly desperate, he would cling with a death-grip to every opportunity to further his own campaign. Instead, he is putting his CURRENT job as a Senator in the forefront of his life for now.

Obama’s people are very, very stuck on the word “multitasking” right now. That is all well and good, but do they understand that there is a time to multitask and a time to make sure you are not spread too thin?

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