It Only Takes One Bad Neighbor
I wish I could go into greater detail about a neighbor of one of my best friends, but out of common decency I can’t say enough to identify him. My rant here is about the fact that all it takes is one bad neighbor to spoil an entire neighborhood.
My friend lives two houses down from her neighborhood’s resident bully. He has cameras trained on his next-door neighbor’s pool and the park across the street. He has gone door-to-door during HOA elections each time to try and smear everyone running for an office. He has made physical threats to several of his neighbors and regularly attempts to engage people in shouting-matches and the like.
Lately, though, he has escalated. He’s been spraying Roundup on his neighbor’s yards so the grass dies and he is has been seen messing around with newly planted trees in other people’s yards – and they die within days of whatever it is he is doing. Now, it looks like he has poisoned at least two dogs in the cul-de-sac.
There is a lot of proof, just not really the kind the police will take into consideration. He was told by a sheriff, though, that the next time something destructive happened in the area they are going to open up an investigation about him. My friend gets the blood work back on her dog in the morning and if it is positive for poisoning, I image that will b the straw that broke the camel’s back. Let’s hope.
I’ve never had a neighbor THAT bad. I did live next-door to a couple in my last neighborhood who had loud outdoor parties during football games and who also dumped their car ashtrays on neighbor’s sidewalks. They were the type to mow their lawn and skip the mere 6-inch swatch of grass between their property line and my driveway. You know – the kind of people who would rather suffer physical pain than do even the slightest kindness for a neighbor. They were super loud, unbelievably so, but I do not think they every knowingly damaged my property.
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