Life on Florida’s West Coast

Job Interview – Wish Me Luck

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Since there is actually a shortage of teaching positions in the district this school year, I started thinking about applying for non-instructional jobs simply to get my foot in the door with the school district and to add to my experience in the classrooms. My first choice was to work as an assistant in an ESE (Exceptional Student Education) classroom. I knew I would not find anything full-time, with benefits, or even high pay. However, I was attracted to the idea of taking one year to glean as much knowledge from highly qualified, working ESE teachers as possible.

Anyway, I have an interview to work 7-hours a day at one of the local high schools as an ESE Associate. Wish me luck. I really feel like if I am indeed offered the position, I will take it. It will mean that I will be an employee of the district, get to know some of the teachers, gain some experience, gain confidence, and the hours at the high school are OK as long as I take my daughter to before-care at her school as soon as it opens. It even looks like by the time I get off work, I will be able to make it to pick up Gigi right as she gets out of school. :)

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Comment by Jenn Subscribed to comments via email
2008-08-23 12:10:48

Good luck! Did you have the interview yet? 7 hours a day is pretty close to full-time, and could be considered full-time in some instances. Is it 5 days a week? 1/2 hour lunch? What duration do the kids attend school each day in Florida? It seems like 7 hours would be a long time for Gigi to be in Kindergarten or even 1st grade, even if you consider an hour or so for pre-care before school.
I don’t know how single/divorced moms handle it all when demanding work schedules are incuded. Will your ex bring her to school part of the time?

Good luck on the new job, at 7 hours a day, you *should* earn benefits…

Comment by Angie
2008-08-24 00:05:56

My ex commented that he thought legally I had to be offered benefits with 35 hours a week, but I am pretty sure when I spoke with a vice principal at another High School — she said even the 7-hour jobs are p/t and have no benefits.

Oh well.

I thought I would be able to get Gigi to before-care and get back to her just as her school lets, out. However, your question of a lunch-break makes me re-think that. The schools are about 20 minutes apart. Gigi goes 8-2. The HS is 7:05-1:35, so I’d need to maybe have Gigi at before-care at 6:30, when they open. I mightnot make back to her at exactly 2, but not long after.

It’s barbaric. I know. The disappointment I feel about not being home for her is intense. She is 5. She feels like the 6-hours her own school is in session is long. Having her out from 6:30 until after 2:00 is going to be hard.

The house we lived in before the divorce (where he still lives) is 2 blocks from an awesome school and that was a lot of what sold us on the house. The plan had been for me to be able to walk her to school and walk her home. Would have been nice.

But, no matter where I work it will be like this and at least if I work in the schools she and I have summer at home. When S has her, he takes her to school a couple days a month. He will have to leave her in before/after care even longer than I will.

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