Life on Florida’s West Coast

“Easy” Money Takes Time

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I know you hear the same commercials that I hear. There are people telling us all of the time that making money online is as easy as admitting the desire to do so. People attest to the fact that you can make thousands of dollars a week with just a few hours of work a day.

I am here to tell you that there is indeed a lot of money to be made online, but the people who are successful spend a LOT of time making their small business opportunity work for them. I’ve heard of people who admit to being online 20 hours a day!

I make a modest amount of money online, with very little time spent. Most of my income is passive and I put the gears in motion over a year ago. I maintain my websites, keep things fresh, make sure I am not breaking any rules, play on the “up and up”, etc. However, I am certainly not sitting on a bed of hundred dollar bills, tossing them in the air, awash in wealth. No, I would say that annually I bring in as much as someone who works a decent part-time retail job.

If you have the time to invest in getting your websites established, putting money-making systems into place, and continually building your knowledge, then you can indeed make enough money online to actually work from home. So, here is my encouragement for those of you who want to invest the time:

  • Find some great webmaster forums and read everything you can that is written by those who are successful.
  • Don’t be afraid to test out programs and ad networks. Discard what is not working and keep looking for what does.
  • Design and re-design your website until you find the look that works for you. Layout, navigation, colors, etc can sometimes make or break the perceived credibility of your site.
  • Don’t recreate the wheel. If there are 100,000 other sites offering information on Hannah Montana or Ford Mustangs, keep looking for a niche topic until you find something that is mostly unexplored. Being unique on the internet is a HUGE commodity.
  • Learn what it takes to get to the top of the search engines for the keywords you desire. However, make sure you do it the right way. Don’t; break any rules, because all that will due is get you blacklisted in the search engines in the end.
  • And, above all, be patient and understand that money is not going to start flowing into your pockets overnight, or maybe not even in a week or a month or a year. My biggest earning website took about two years to start earning good money.

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