Is Your Child’s Teacher Safe?
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Can I just tell you how much it saddens me to know that morally decent people like me and most of the people I took my education classes with are looking hard for work as teachers here in the Bay Area only to hit closed doors over and over? We are all completely certified, come to the field with years and years of real-life professional experience, and solid ethics. However, there are not as many teaching jobs available now as there were only a few short years ago.
We can all accept the job shortage as a reason. But, it is harder to accept schools like Trinity Oaks Elementary in Pasco County (close enough to suit me and all of my friends if we could get jobs there) are hiring people like Joel Cupp.
Who is Joel Cupp? He is a 29-year-old elementary school teacher who used the screen name JCUPP01 to extend invitations for sex to two girls, ages 13 and 14. He also exposed himself on his webcam. It turns out the “teens” he asked to perform sex acts were actually investigators from the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office and state Attorney General’s Office.
He was arrested on felony charges and he subsequently resigned Thursday from Trinity Oaks. He was released today from the Pasco County jail after posting $30,000 bail. He faces three charges of luring or soliciting children to engage in a sex act and one count of lewd or lascivious exhibition.
Here is the kicker. Cupp asked the “teens” their ages and even after they told him, he went on to ask them to get together for sex. He acknowledged their ages, commented on how young they were, and went on to ask about their sexual experience and to even reveal to them that he was an “elementary school teacher.”
Sick. Sick. Sick.
I know we are all worried that our children might be in classrooms with people like Cupp. That is one more reason I want to be a working teacher. At least I can be sure the kids in the classroom with me are safe.
He wasn’t released, he was transferred to Citrus County.
Ah, I got bad information then. Thanks for correcting that.
Yeah, I saw that in the St Pete Times. Wish they would check their sources before putting it in print. Guess you can’t believe everything the press says, huh?
Joel Cupp was not directly hired by Trinity Oaks. He was assigned to the school by the school board. It is not like the school knew he was a pervert with a record and hired him. He had a clean record. He never showed any behaviors during school hours that would lead anyone to suspect this from him. It was a surprise to everyone that worked there. Please don’t blame the school and make them seem like they will hire any sicko out there. That is not at all how it works. Until someone you know and trust does something like this you will never understand.
I was not trying to imply particularly that the school was at fault. The main point of my article was that it is a sad shame that teachers like Cupp have the honor of teaching at all when there are so many highly qualified, fully certified people out there eager to teach — people who won’t travel the same path Cupp did.
And how do you propose they “check” to make sure that each and every teacher has only pure thoughts and pure intentions? How do we know that YOU would never travel the same path? It’s impossible to see all the sins a person is struggling with. In Mr. Cupp’s case, anyone who knew/knows him has said that he was a wonderful, effective teacher. He was an elementary school teacher. Last I checked, there aren’t any teenagers attending Trinity Oaks. I am NOT condoning what he did, I’m just saying maybe he was a wonderful teacher, maybe he is even a wonderful person and a true Child of God as he portrays himself to be. Maybe he was stupid and deserves the time in jail to think about what he “did” to the “girls” (see the quotes? That’s because as far as we know, he hasn’t actually done anything to anyone). I can bet you he is kicking himself harder than any of us can because that’s what good guys do when they know they screwed up.
But then again, this hits a little too close to home for me and I am a tree hugging Democrat, so maybe I am just too much of a hippie and should keep my opinion to myself
Have you ever read through the code of ethics a Florida teacher must agree to in order to teach? Have you ever sat through an ethics workshop for teachers in Florida? Maybe you have. I know I have. It’s very, very thorough and we are constantly asked to think deeply about every single thing we do both inside and outside of a school setting.
There are teachers in Florida who have lost their jobs for drinking and driving on their own time or perhaps smacking their spouse at home. That’s how far the ethics issues extend.
Teachers should not even hug kids in class and we all know how hard it is when an adorable 6-year-old just wants an innocent cuddle.
Nonetheless, we’ve agreed to adhere.
Florida goes a few steps ahead of most other states when it comes to ethics expectations and I think all of us who are parents should be happy about that. I am.
I’m generally someone who wants to give everyone I meet the benefit of the doubt, but I see that I draw some starker lines when it comes to how I expect any teacher to conduct themselves around any minor.
There is just no excuse. And to the above comment, I’ve had the unfortunate experience of knowing someone I did trust and admire who is behind bars now for inappropriate sexual conduct with a minor. It happens, but it does not mean he needs to be trusted with kids again. It wasn’t a school setting (it was in a church) and there was no job at stake, but it’s still harrowing.
This is one issue I cannot be made to see the other side of, though. Teaching is just simply not for everyone.
SayWhat, you’re my hero
I too wish people would think before opening their mouths (or placing their fingers on the keyboard). We have an epidemic of apathy and ignorance in this country. It’s ridiculous.
This sick man was moved to Citrus County Jail where his bail is showing $45,000. I don’t think it is enough considering….but so far his pathetic @$$ is sitting behind bars!!! He needs to stay there!!!
His girlfriend should be ashamed and embarrassed of herself for being near a man like that. Is she that desperate?! Again, pathetic!
I have never had to learn something like that about a boyfriend or husband, but if I did — I’d be out of there faster than you can say “creepy!”
I have to agree with you Angie. I have never had to learn that information. I am a single mom to three kids but if I learned that information I’d be gone faster than lightening; I don’t think Joel’s girlfriend can say the same thing and/or be trusted either.
All I know is that in a world absolutely full of eligible men, there is no excuse for sticking around when a man (or woman) does someting like that. You can forgive, move on, etc. — but if you have a brain in your head you will learn your lesson and remove yourself from a situation that can come to no good and find yourself a healthier partner.
Who knows. Maybe she did see the light and break off her relationship. I can only hope she was that wise.
And, in light of all of the people defending this man, today’s St. Petersburg Times reports that Cupp put in a plea of no contest and will spend 6 years in prison. He admits his wrong doing.
The article also points out that nobody feels anything about him pointed to signs that he woudl do something like expose himself on a Web cam. Even so, after the fact it certainly seems feeble to keep on defending him.
Poeple can hide actions for a long time. Generally, those actions usually come into the light.