Life on Florida’s West Coast

The Wisdom of the Lohans

Maybe my title should actually say the LACK of wisdom of the Lohans.

My opinion about the Lohans has always been rather low. I have been watching the new reality TV show a little bit lately about the Lohan family, “Living Lohan” and now I have an ever lower opinion of the Dina and Ali.

Lindsay is not represented in the show, but she is making a fool of herself as she runs around with her scrumpy looking girlfriend. And, to be fair, I leave both of the Lohan sons out of my negative opinion. The littlest one is too young to have caused any creepy controversy yet and Mike seems cool enough, aside from the fact that he is dating some chick who quite obviously just wants to rub shoulders with the more famous members of the family.

It is bad enough to be young and gawky, without having to live it all on television. We have all read about child stars that look back at being in movies or on a sit-com while the world watched them enter puberty and go through one of the hardest stages of the life. Ali, though, is doing all of that without eh benefit of hiding behind a fictional character. Instead, she is herself on “Living Lohan”, in all her bland and boring pre-teen awkwardness. She does not come across fun or interesting, or even cute. She just looks miserable and way too focused on emulating her sister’s fame.

And now, the latest scandal! One of the most recent episodes of the show had Ali going on an audition for a leading role in a film called “Trolls”. She is told that the camera loves her and that she has the role – despite what looks to me like a lack-luster audition. It turns out that sitting in on the audition was the film’s producer, Peter Davy. He has directed such films as “Voodoo Lust” and “Dreams in the Forbidden Zone.” He is also responsible for such gems as “Breast Wishes 14″ and “Bun Busters 12.”

Let’s just hope that during the audition, Davy was not imagining Ali in any of his past films.

Now, I’m not a talent manager, but it seems to me that Dina could have taken the time to check out the resumes of the people making the film. It might have saved this family yet another headline of creepy proportions.

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