Goodbye Summer Vacation
For me, summer vacation is over. My ex husband and I each have two -2-week blocks of time during the summer with our daughter. I took my first block in West Virginia and Washington, DC to visit my dad. My second block comes to an end this after this weekend and we stayed near home.
Ideally, I would have planned a trip to Atlanta to see my daughter’s godparents, but the cost of gas and airlines tickets kept me away. I can always try and plan it around the next school break.
Kindergarten looms near. My daughter’s time in Pre-K was not as difficult for me, because I only had her in three hours a day, even though for part of the year I opted to leave her an additional three hours. Nonetheless, now she is starting in the public school system and I got her into one of the Fundamental schools here in the county. She is fortunate to have been accepted into the program. The Fundamental schools here historically perform higher on all standardized tests; they have 100% parent participation, a stricter dress/attendance/behavior policy; and automatic filtering into the Fundamental middle schools. This should be very good for my daughter.
In these next two weeks, I am going to do my best to try and obtain a teaching position. Unfortunately, all of the districts around here are cutting back on teachers. They have tighter budgets and fewer students. People are moving away from this area, due to the cost of living.
It’s over. My time with my little girl will forever be different now that she is in school and I will hopefully be working. No more stay at home mommy.
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