Life on Florida’s West Coast

Hello Bertha

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And, we’re off! Bertha welcomes in hurricane season.

It’s been raining off an on all day here in the Tampa Bay area, and that is due to little Miss Bertha. Bertha started out as a storm and hurricane predictors said she might escalate to a Category 2 Hurricane. Instead, she has come all decked out as a Category 3. She is the first hurricane of the 2008 season, marching along right at the beginning of the season itself.
Last year we had some storms show up early. At least this year things are only heating up after the official start date.

And while Berta is not supposed to maintain Category 3 status for long, this particular weather pattern has already proven that forecasters are not always right. People in the Bay Area are hunkering down; watching warily. Even though we have not really had any major hurricanes in the state in a few years, the insurance companies just keep hiking our prices. Nobody here wants those companies to have even more reason to bleed us dry.

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