Bad Behavior on July 4
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I stayed home for the 4th of July fireworks lat night. One street over, there were some people setting off high-end fireworks. They were the ones that look professional and they were setting off A LOT, in short succession. It was amazing.
Across the street from me, kitty-corner and across the intersection (I’m on a corner lot) the neighbors were out with their multiple children and scads of grandchildren. It was quite a crowd and they were setting off firecrackers and sparklers and a lot of cheapie fireworks that stay low to the ground and sort of roll around and sputter in the street. The kids were making more noise than their own fireworks.
Those neighbors are dodgy. One day the guy who lives there told one of my other neighbors he could teach him to shoplift. That other neighbor promptly told him he would not be speaking to him again and walked off. It’s no great comfort to know you are living across the street form someone like that.
Anyway, around 10 pm we heard this massive explosion and when we looked outside, those neighbors across the street had evidently set a pile of brush in yet another neighbor’s yard on fire. That brush pile had been there for a couple of months getting dry and perfect for a fire. I suppose the owners of said brush pile thought the county would pick op the sticks in the trash pickup eventually, but in all actuality they did not have it bundled properly so the odds are it would have remained there indefinitely.
Anyway, I called the fire department and they sent a truck. Within minutes of the fire being set, that neighbor had all his kids and grandkids racing to their cards, beers and covered dishes in hand. Once they were gone. The guy set out a hose on the fire, turned off all his lights and shut all his doors. Talk about guilty behavior.
He never showed his face when the fire truck arrived. Coward.
This morning we overheard him talking to the neighbor who owns the charred brush pile. He told them he had no idea what might have happened. Creep.
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