Life on Florida’s West Coast

A Free Solution for Identity Theft

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If you think identity theft is only something that happens to someone else, or to people who are careless, think again. It happened to me a few summers ago and as far as anyone can tell, it was an inside job at my bank and I was one of the poor, random souls who got targeted. The bank backed me and I got all of the money back, but not everyone is so fortunate.

Shopping online is by far one of the most common ways that you can put yourself at risk for ID theft. Even when you ship with large retailer who has a solid security reputation, there are risks.

ShopshieldThere is a new product available called Shop Shield®. They purport to be the most complete protection and privacy solution you can have to combat identity theft when you are shopping online.

The service is actually free right now, because it is in Beta testing and they are looking for users to help the usability of the service. That does not mean the product does not work yet, it means that the company wants to test how easy it is for the average user to actually USE. It has already been pilot testing and they know the security is solid.

If you visit Shop Shield®, you can see for yourself how the system protects your credit card numbers, bank accounts, billing address, e-mail address, and login information. With Shop Shield®, not only are you not actually even entering your personal information into the databases of the online stores where you shop, you are also preventing those companies from ever being able to sell your personal info. Why? It’s never really sent to them in the first place.

Unlike products like Mastercard Secure Code or Google Checkout, you can use Shop Shield® on any site. Intriguing, huh? Shop Shield® offers a full guarantee on their services, too. In fact, they will reimburse you up to $10,000 above the coverage your credit card company or bank provides. I’m signing up. I highly suggest you visit the site to Learn More.

Sponsored by Shop Shield®

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