Life on Florida’s West Coast

Signs that a Man is Creepy

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I think this might be a new series. It is inspired by my friend, Xtine, and something she said on her blog about men who go to dance clubs and do that dance where they rub their crotches up against you. That is creepy. Women do not like it, and if they actually DO happen to look like they are enjoying it — they are probably drunk or not legally permitted to be in public alone.

 So, my first in this particular series will be about older men who use MySpace in libraries.

Creepy. Very creepy.

1. Most of them are either wearing wedding rings or have a tan line on their ring finger. If you happen to look over at the profiles they are cruising, or their friends list, they are looking to communicate with women (mostly purportedly single) who use desperate looking profile pictures.  I have had the bad fortune to sit down to use a computer at my library and on three separate occasions this 50-ish man with a wedding ring and a business suit has sat next to me, logged onto MySpace, and gone on to send and receive pornographic messages. These computers are close, I am occasionally nosy, my peripheral vision is awesome. I have seen him make at least 6 dates to meet women in hotels.


2. All too often they bring their kids with them while they troll for trysts. Ew. Whether or not they are single, the fact that they would use the library to provide quasi babysitting while they look for someone desperate enough to sleep with them is creepy. As a mother, this is something that points out the man’s lack of respect for his kids.


3. Public libraries give you a way to see things you would not normally see. If a hideous man puts up a MySpace profile using someone else’s photo in the privacy of his own home, you might never know. When they log on in public, people can look right over their shoulder and see the truth. Do you even have any idea how many very fat, very smelly, very disgusting men I have seen sitting at a compute picking their noses while they use a picture of a hot man to communicate with overly-bleached-blonde bimbo types on MySpace? Let’s just say, enough to give me nightmares.


4. How about the man sitting next to me right now. He is a mouth-breather. He is easily 15 years older than his profile states. He is receiving long, thoughtful messages from pretty women. his replies are all one sentence long, pecked out using one finger, and sexual in nature. He looks like he is in here while on a break from the office. I am going to go out on a limb and say he looks like he has a good job, plenty of money. I would assume he has computer access at home and at work. So, why use the library to do social networking? Probably, because he is cheating or attempting to cheat.

(OK, you may ask why I am using the library to blog when I have access at home? Good point. I am sitting here waiting for story-time to be over for my daughter and thought I might jump online for a minute.)

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