Life on Florida’s West Coast

Boating Under the Influence

I live in Florida. As you know, we are pretty much surrounded by water. On top of that, there are the lakes and the river. There is a lot of water and therefore a lot of boating. If you look around my neighborhood, you’ll see that pretty much every other house has a boat parked in the back yard or the driveway.

There are also a lot of boating accidents in Florida, and often in the end it turns out that alcohol is involved. In fact,  a third of all fatal boating accidents nationwide are alcohol related. In states where boating is a year-round activity, those stats are highter. In Arizona, 50% of all fatal boating accidents were alcohol related in 2007. That led Arizona to put a lot of effort into educating the public about boating safety and boating operating under the influence.

It’s appropriate, then, to look at the issue of boating under the influence of alcohol. Not only is the issue about safety, but operating a boat while using alcohol is just as illegal as drinking and driving. A lot of great information about this issue can be found on a website set up specifically by the Arizona Game & Fish Department for issues surrounding Arizona boating. The fact is you don’t have to go any further than your computer to find out everything you need to know about alcohol and boating. Getting boating education online is just another one of the great things about the web. You don’t have to leave your house to learn the facts that can save your life.

Here is a general boating safety video that’s being used in Arizona right now. Why is this video so useful? Studies show that educated boaters are 70 %  less likely to be involved in a boating accident:

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