Life on Florida’s West Coast

Have You Entered the Dockers Contest Yet?

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Hey, have you checked out the Dockers TV commercial contest I told you about in an earlier blog entry? Now, my dear readers, I do expect you to follow my suggestions from time to time. And, video contests are some of the most fun to enter. I know, it takes less time to just submit your name and e-mail address for a drawing, but this Dockers contest has that cool prize where the winner could see their video on NBC’s Tonight Show. How cool is that?

You don’t even need to have a video camera these days to mix a video. You can use stock footage, still pictures, music, narration, and fancy editing cuts. There are quite literally hundreds of software programs that make it easier than tying your show. My apologies to those of you who have not yet mastered the art of show tying. Seriously.

Anyway, you can load up the video player and take a look at some of the user submitted commercials. At least one author just used the standard Dockers footage and edited in truly witty text. Like I said, no need for a video camera – just a little inspiration and some creativity.

Go on. Go on over to the Dockers contest website and check out the contest. You know you want to. You’re imagining the glory, the pride, the airtime shoulder-to-shoulder with Jay Leno. Your mouse finger is twitching, eager to click. Let me know how it goes.

Sponsored by Dockers

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