Life on Florida’s West Coast

GPS Tracking for Your Teen?

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Not too many things go missing for very long in this day and age. Or, if they do it is because someone has made considerable efforts to side-step technology.

I use a GPS system in my car for navigation purposes, but I am fascinated by the myriad of uses GPS tracking that are absolutely useful for everyday life. Until last year, I had a greyhound that, despite the reputation for greyhounds not being all that bright, used to find new ways almost every day to get out of our yard and go for runs around the neighborhood. Sometimes she found her way out of the neighborhood, though, because greyhounds are not known for their prowess of finding their own way home. If I could go back in time and set up a simple GPS tracking system for that dog, I could have saved myself countless frantic drives around town.

(The greyhound is now living with a family who has a huge farm and lots of room for her to run, so she rarely feels the need to wander anymore.)

Rmtracking_logoA more likely use for GPS tracking in my own life will come the day my daughter is old enough to drive. I am a single mom of a child who pushes the envelope on a daily basis. The kid has a nose for trouble, despite her loving heart. A car tracking device is something that I know will be a great investment for my peace of mind. (RMT) has all manner of GPS tracking systems. They are commonly used for corporate felt vehicles, as a way to track expensive equipment in case of theft, and (lucky for me) an affordable and non-invasive way to track your teen. The tracking devices can be ordered to operate in real-time, or in a more passive way where you can just download and view the data at a later date.

I have not check into the Florida laws yet, but in some states you can even get a discount on your teen’s auto insurance when you install a tracking device. How cool is that?

I think that as long as you maintain open communication with your child, the use of a tracking device can still be part of a trusting relationship. In the end, it is in the best of interest of a teen when their car can be located in the event of an accident or theft.

Sponsored by Rocky Mountain Tracking

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