Life on Florida’s West Coast

Atomic Watches On the Go

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I’ve been having a terrible problem being on time lately. My cell phone and the cable DVR box both display the time, but they are rarely correct. Even when they are a few minutes, things can get backed up around this house.

The clock in the kitchen is gorgeous, but it is prone to lose time as the battery drains. The old mantle clock I inherited from my great-grandparents keeps great time, but it is not in a central location and I often forge to look at it when I am running ragged in the mornings, trying to get my daughter out of the house on time.

My mom mentioned to me that I need to get an atomic clock. Can you believe that when she first mentioned that to me, I had no idea you could actually buy atomic clocks for your home?> I have no idea what was keeping me from coming out of the ice age on that little bit of knowledge. My sister was there that day and I remember her say, “Oh, they’re cool! That clock we have on the wall in the family room is an atomic clock.”

Was I the only one out of the loop?

Anyway, if you don’t know what an atomic clock is, it is

And, you don’t; have to buy a bulky wall clock to get the technology. Casio watches make a line called Waveceptor. When I found these watches, I got pretty excited. Why? Because I am going into teaching and in the classroom, time is everything — down to the second. You have to know when subjects are starting and ending. You have to be different places in the school at odd times. You have to time students for reading, testing, and fitness.

I found this cute women’s Wavecepter. The technology involved means that the time is automatically set every day from time calibration radio signals. Despite its high tech inner workings, I like the classic “hands” style (or analog, for those of you who prefer proper terminology) of the timepiece.

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Comment by Cute Nicole Subscribed to comments via email
2008-04-16 20:55:32

Very good indeed.
I hope this watches can adjust to the proper date like they adjust to the proper time.

Comment by Angie
2008-04-16 22:50:04

Oh, great point. I assume they do — but I am going to check it out before I buy mine.

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