Handmade South African Crafts
It was sometime last fall that I became aware of a company called JacarandaStyle. I had actually seen them in one of the magazines to which I subscribe, Food and Wine, and I decided to check out their website. I became an instant fan.
Before I go on, here’s a link so you can see for yourself: www.JacarandaStyle.com – Unique Home Accents & Fine Gifts
It’s not just about the merchandise they carry, even though the ceramics and ostrich egg art are some of the most amazing decorate and gifty type items I have ever seen in my entire life. No, it was the purpose behind this handmade South African crafts company that initially set my heart aflutter.
JacarandaStyle actually sets out to create jobs for artists in the world market, and they donate a part of each sale to the Ethembeni School for Disabled Youth, in South Africa. The school “serves 300 physically disabled and visually impaired children from all over Kwazulu -Natal, Kingdom of the Zulu.” There is a real feeling of “full circle” in this process.
One of my favorite parts of the JacarandaStyle website has always been all of the photos of the artists creating the crafts. I’m absolutely not talking about assembly-line stuff here. Each piece is hand crafted and often times even unique in the way it is turned out of decorated.
I’ve mentioned this particular piece of ceramic on my blog before, but I want to put it in the spotlight again, because I am still in love with it. Let’s just say it is on my ultimate wish list for next Christmas. It’s the hand painted Jazz Bowl, a bold design incorporating piano keys.
Check out their website when you have a minute. It is absolutely worth your time.
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