Irradiated Produce
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Do you ever wonder why some of the fruits and vegetables you buy at the supermarket last so long? I have to wonder how much of our produce is irradiated.
I just went yesterday to pick fresh strawberries. I know that none of the berries were over ripe or even close to rotten. Yet, by this afternoon at least a dozen of the berries out of 6 quarts were rotten to the point of being liquidy mush covered in mold. And yes, we have th air conditioner running so it is not hot in here.
Since I know the strawberries I picked were not irradiated, it makes me almost sure that those I buy at supermarkets are irradiated. I know the irradiation process prolongs the shelf-life of food where microbial spoilage is an issue. But, how safe is it? Are our foods that are irradiated always labled as such, even though the government says they should be? The lables do not indicate the level of radiation and that is a huge issue in my opinion.
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