Life on Florida’s West Coast

Calling all Porn Stars, Nude Models, Egotists, and Other Assorted Freaks in Tampa

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Are you a gay porn star like James Zinkland or maybe an aging Penthouse Pet like Sheila Kennedy? Do you hunger for attention, even if it means going on National television and making a complete ass out of yourself? Do you feel completely comfortable knowing that fat, balding camera men are sitting in a control room giggling as they watch you use the bathroom and shower?

Then, maybe you should audition to be a houseguest on the next season of Big Brother. The reality TV show is holding tryouts in Tampa on Thursday, April 17th at 4 - 8 p.m. Just show up at Dubliner Irish Pub on 2307 W Azeele Street in Tampa and show the producers why you should be the next freak they choose to spend time in front of cameras 24-hours-a-day, every single day of the week.

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