Life on Florida’s West Coast

Colleges More Competitive Than Ever

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Getting into college these days is a whole different game from back when I went to school. Not only is college more expensive, it is also more competitive. More students than ever are looking at schools outside of their home state and giving more thought to just what each school excels in before they apply. If you want to go into engineering, you tend to look at your interest in a more specific type, like mechanical engineering, and then find the colleges that have the best programs in that major. The same goes for literature or nursing or political science. You have to put more thought into where you apply more now than ever.

At the same time, universities are looking to recruit the students that are the best fit for their school. Since getting into college is so competitive now, schools can be choosier when it comes to compiling their future student body. Its win-win for everyone involved, because if you are attending college with other students that fit in just as well as you do, your overall experience will be that much better.

Schools are getting more creative in their recruiting processes. I love the little Stickman mascot that Kettering is using. They were rated “the #1 University in the nation for Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering” in US News and World Report “America’s Best Colleges Guide for 2008″ and they jumped on the opportunity to use Stickman to recruit in light of their US News Best Colleges rating.

Look at this clever spot:

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