Life on Florida’s West Coast

Oyster Season Facts

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Yet another great thing about living in Florida, where we are almost entirely surrounded by water, is access to a whole lot of super fresh seafood. Oyster season around here is insane. Sometimes I am surprised that McDonald’s doesn’t start serving oysters when they are in season since everyone else seems to add them to the menu.

Now, I am not a fan of eating oysters personally. However, I am a huge fan of the fruit of the oyster: the lovely pearl. Diamonds and pearls, that’s what I like. I love that an animal has the ability to form such a breathtakingly beautiful object, something we treasure and trade. It’s another piece of proof to me that this world is full of miracles.

Can you imagine if oysters produced something more mundane, like chunks of sea glass? Would that glass be priceless by simple association with the oyster? What if oysters formed unattractive lumps of rough brown stone? Would they also be treasured because of the miracle of their formation? I love think of alternate realities like that.

Speaking of oyster season, a lot of people don’t understand that the reason we actually have a “season” is that oysters can be unsafe to eat out of season. Even if you consume them in season, eating them raw has its share of health risks, so you need to know the facts. is a great resource for all you need to know about the safe consumption of Gulf oysters – plus they have some great recipes you can add to your recipe collection.

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