Life on Florida’s West Coast

Charter Schools

I’ve been putting off the applications for a couple of the charter schools in the county and I know that the lottery for admissions will start soon. I have no idea why I have been so slow to gather the paperwork I need, but it might be because the school I really like actually requires me to turn in everything I would give them if she were actually enrolling. That includes her birth certificate and immunization record. So, I have had to bop around gathering things.

If my daughter gets into one of the charter schools in the lottery this year, she will be able to attend at public school prices (free) and still; have a private school experience. I am focusing on two of the schools. They both have longer school days, because they incorporate additional curriculum, aside from the Sunshine State Standards. One school is an arts school and Gigi would have dance, art, and music weekly – if not daily. The other school teaches Greek and she would eventually come out bilingual. That would give her a leg up for the rest of her school career, so I am sort of hoping she gets into the Greek school, though I know that if I ask her she will choose the arts school.

The law here says that charter schools must hold a lottery for kindergarten admissions. That way, things are 100% fair. Cross your fingers, say a prayer, send good vibes, whatever it is you do in stressful situations. I want her to get into one of these schools.

I actually have her arts school application in already. I am going over to the Greek school this afternoon to turn in paperwork. And, there is one more school I MAY go see next week.

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