Life on Florida’s West Coast

Mike Alstott is Tampa’s Headline of the Day

Our local news here in the Tampa Bay area is never boring, that’s for sure. We have our fair share of celebrity hijinks, interesting criminal cases, and tropical weather to keep us busy. Today’s biggest news here is the word that Mike Alstott has officially ended his NFL career. Alstott has been heralded as the most popular player ever to play for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers franchise.

Alstott was sidelined for a full year due to a neck injury. He’s been with the Bucs for 12 years and has seen them go from obscurity to Superbowl champs and has often commented that not being able to play lately has been hard on his spirits.

Word on the street is that Alstott may continue to work for the Bucs in the front office or in a coaching role.

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