Pizza Hut Pizza Mia – What do YOU think?
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I wrote a review about how much I disliked the new Pizza Mia pizzas at Pizza Hut. It is garnering a massive amount of traffic. Apparently, a lot of you want to know about this product.
What I want to know is, what do YOU think? Please leave your comments. I want to know if you loved it, hated it, will buy it again, wouldn’t feed it to your dog…
Also, as a correction, my review stated the manager was crediting my account and I thought that meant my credit card. Turns out I only have a $15 credit at the store for my next order. I suppose that is better than nothing.
I still wouldn’d feed Pizza Mia products to my dog, though.
To me, it tastes EXACTLY like the “new and improved hand tossed” they rolled out mid-07. Not very good, IMO. I’ll stick with the $24 online special.
I’m not sure I remember that particular hand tossed crust, but when my daughter went in for the free meal they offered us the other day, I got a hand tossed cheese lovers and it was absolutely fine. It was nothing at ALL like the Mia pizza.
I agree. Stick to the traditional Pizza Hut menu. Let’s just hope the Pizza Mia goes away.
I don’t think they even use regular sauce anymore. It’s all that nasty pizza mia sauce.
Someone said the Mia sauce is also used in the Pizzone. I have not tried that product, but when I went in for a regualr replacement pizza the other day it had their traditional sauce and it was just fine.
The waitress called the Mia sauce “old world style”.
I haven’t tried the Pizza Mia but they looked good in the picture so I thought I’d see if there were any reviews on them, that’s how I arrived here.
I haven’t enjoyed Pizza Hut pizza for a long time…all of their pork products taste extremely ‘porky’, for lack of a better word. It seems like they are made of very low quality pork and just the smell of their pepperoni makes my stomach turn.
Their pan pizza crust is just too greasy and heavy, also their new P’zone isn’t very good either. The sauce that comes with it is absolutely horrendous, the crust was heavy and the fillings were almost non-existent.
If you want a really good pizza with excellent sauce and REAL cheese for a very reasonable price, try Hungry Howie’s. For 5.99 every day (4.99 on Wednesdays) you can get a Large 3-Cheeser pizza with free flavored crust. Also their baked subs are unreal, all the fillings are baked inside of a medium pizza crust folded over like a calzone then brushed with oil and sprinkled with parmesan cheese. Mmmmm…
Mmm. You’re right. Hungry Howie’s has an excellent product for the price. I have kind of forgot about them. I will have to look around to see if they have a location close to me now that I have moved.
I also disliked the new MIA line of pizzas. I submitted a complaint online to pizza hut they referred it to the store I purchased the pizza,which is not the problem. As I stated to the company If they can’t offer their original pizzas at 5 dollars don’t give us some cheap version. I’D rather pay full price
Our local store offered me a $15 credit and I went in the other day to use it. The waitress had been the one to take my calls and she felt so bad she brought out drinks, bread, wings, and a pizza and just said I was good to go.
It was reassurring to taste their tradtional product. The Pizza Mia is BAD for the Pizza Hut brand.
We just tried the Pizza Mia last night. When we ordered the pizza, they warned us that it was a different crust & sauce. We decided to take a chance anyway, and boy were we disappointed! The sauce is too sweet. The crust was stale-like or as my husband puts it “cardboard”. The pizzas seemed small too. Now we see why we got the warning. They must be getting a lot of complaints. My husband also commented last night that he felt the store bought pizzas, like Tombstone, were better. So, our advice is, don’t waste your money! Pizza Hut should just offer 3 of their regular pizzas instead.
You’re right — a pizza like Tombstone is better. And, you can often get them on sale 2/$4…so they are also a better deal.
It was like biting into a wonderbread, mayonnaise, nay, miracle whip, and margarine sandwich. I want to say that it’s possible to taste the bleach used in the “fine white great plains flour”, but I’ve never actually tasted such bleach so it’s impossible to tell. However, as someone who has put some very strange things in their mouth (often on a dare), I can say with some authority that the Pizza Mia bears a striking resemblance to a tangy grease stain on a dish sponge. It’s soft, and almost salty enough to pass for pizza, but there is something that just isn’t quite right. The more I think about it, the more I question whether or not these pizzas are actually made fresh. Sure, it’s hot… but convincing me that they don’t stack these things between cardboard sheets like burger patties in the freezer would be difficult. Yes, I distinctly taste post-consumer cardboard. I’m all for recycling, just don’t put cheese on it and sell it to me as a pizza (mia!). Where I come from, people don’t feed each other things like this, nevermind sell it to them.
Pizza Hut markets these things as having upgraded ingredients, yet when contacted with questions regarding their product’s doughy crust and sauce that hints of urinal cake, employees simply stated that the Pizza Mia was a “budget pizza”. Budget pizza? That phrase still makes me furrow my brow. Budget pizza with “old world sauce form vine ripened tomatoes”, that “fine white great plains flour” (that potentially came from a paper mill in New Jersey) and “other wholesome ingredients”? This leaves me confused about what my precious anchovy and pineapple deep dish must be made from. It’s freakin delicious and expensive, and this is inexpensive and, well, not delicious. But, it’s got upgraded ingredients according to the Hut. Did I miss the memo that redefined “upgrade” as “we are out of ingredients, go pull a box out of the dumpster and throw some sauce and cheese on it. Holy crap, somebody call the marketing department!”? On the subject of how this thing came to be, part of me wants to believe that it’s a large scale prank of well-connected economics majors.
Ah! Now, I wish I had written that. You have a way with words and I agree with everything you said whole-heartedly.
i ordered 3 of these for dinner tonight…
what a mistake i made. the pizza’s are horrendous. they taste like cardboard…the crust is nasty, the sauce is watered down, the cheese must be Goverment and the Toppings were minimal but discuting to the maximum.
as soon as i ate the first bite of my dinner, i realized i should have just gone to sleep tonight hungry…or have gone in a totally different direction. OUR DOG WOULDNT EVEN IT THE CRUST, and she will eat anything.
people, please…please pay more and get a better product. they should of payed me to eat this garbage.
Yes, going to bed hungry would have been preferable.
I thought it was pretty good!! I really liked the sauce (I asked for extra, I always do if it’s no extra charge) but I didn’t like the crust! It tasted pretty good overall.
The only problem I had with these pizzas were that they tasted too sweet. To me, pizza is not supposed to taste sweet. ugh.
I agree. There was too much of a sweet quality and now that I read a comment left below by anotehr reader, I see why.
What you’re all forgetting is that this pizza was create specifically to compete with Domino’s %5 medium pizza deals. I think the Mia is a lot better than Domino’s, so mission accomplished!
I will not order the Dominos pizzas either. We made the mistake of ordering them for my daughter’s 3rd birthdya party a couple of years ago and everyone — and I mean everyone — was disappointed. I felt like a terrible hostess.
What they did was remove a large percentage of the more expensive ingredient and replaced it with mostly sugar and extra flour, two of the cheapest ingredients out there to make these pizzas. Keep in mind people that pizza hut has pretty hefty prices and their profit margin vs cost is HUGE. They make a ton on their pizzas for only pennies in cost and they insist on making a profit that is determined by a percentage, in order to give us the cheaper pizzas without affecting their precious percentage, they had to make them the most piss poor quality they could come up with. It’s about the $$$ not the customers, still, if you took a dump in a pizza box and sold it at the store with their name on it, someone would buy it, which is why the get away with this. Consumers as a whole do not stand up for themselves anymore and they don’t know how to demand quality.
It’s nuts that people will eat food that is not only unhealthy for their bodies, but not even pleasant to eat. A bag of pork rinds would taste better.
I too agree that these are terrible pizzas. The crusts are TOUGH, and I like all kinds of crusts, even thin and crispy, but tough just is…tough.
My husband likes this pizza, because all the other pizza hut pizzas make him sick other than this. LOL. Probably one of the higher priced ingredients doesn’t agree with him. Everyone else hates it. I’ve never met one other person who liked it.
What I don’t understand is the ridiculous lack of cheese! We even order “extra cheese” on these, and they arrive with half the cheese that we get on the pan pizzas without asking for extra cheese. It is just crazy! Whole big spots show up with nothing but sauce.
UGH. Shame, shame, Pizza Hut.
Tough is the right word. If you take a bite when it is super hot, it seems OK, but it toughens up quickly.
Our pizzas also came with giant “bald” spots.
I get it, I do. This is a budget pizza
Sounds like we agree, though, that there are some budget items not worth the bucks.
Pizza Hut..ANY normal style pizza is average at best..I’d say 5/10 and that’s being generous. It’s eatable, and that’s about it.
Pizza Mia? AWFUL. I’d be willing to bet that the box tastes better.
I spent 15 years on the road. In that time I tried close to 100 different pizzas from almost as many different shops..some good, some bad. Out of all of them I can honestly say that the Pizza Mia is by far the worst pie I have ever had. It’s THAT bad.
Three bites and it went right into the garbage.
Their mistake was making a pizza too healthy. What fools! We are Americans. We deserve our food as greasy and full of fat as possible. How dare they try to make a healthier pizza with less cheese.
You do realize, don’t you, that you can always order a pizza with light or extra light cheese. That way, they will make the pizza with less cheese on your request.
However, less cheese is not the issue most people have with the Pizza Mia. The crust is horrific and the sauce is terrible. If you want a pizza that actually tastes good, order a regular hand tossed pizza and request that they go light on the cheese so that it is healthier.
I don’t really understand all the complaints. I checked out this site and a few others before trying the Pizza Mia, and found a lot of people griping. But, to hell with it, I ordered one anyway. I liked it just fine. Yeah, it’s a bit different from the regular pizzas they have, but that’s kind of the point, and for six or seven dollars it can’t be beat. I had no complaints with the amount of cheese, or crust or anything else — in some ways I liked it better since it there was a lot less grease. Got mine with bacon on it, which worked well.
So, I have no idea if I just got lucky or if you guys got unlucky, but I suspect it’s really neither. My guess is, it’s different from what most people are expecting, so they’re disappointed or annoyed, and in general, people are more apt to write complaints than compliments of a product, hence all the bad commentary. But as I said, I like it, and so do plenty of others, and I’ll probably be ordering more at some point.
I eat the Pizza Mias regularly, and I would say that the quality at that price is much better than the competitors. (i.e. Dominoes, Little Ceasars) There are lots of better pizzas out there if your willing to pay over $10 per pizza, but if your on a tight budget the Mias are just fine.
Why do people complain about the sweetness? Iv’e had some seriously overly-sour pizzas before, that’s a much worse problem. I guess these pizza fanatics just need something to bash.