Life on Florida’s West Coast

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2008! I’m hopeful that this year will bring more happiness to my life and more love to my heart ever before. Last night, my daughter stayed up with me to usher in the new year. Bless her heart! She could barely keep her eyes open as she snuggled into me and waited for the year to switch over. It was important to both of us to be up and awake together to see in 2008, and we made it happen.

Like most of you, I am taking today easy. Tomorrow bring a massive “To Do” list full of all kinds of financial stuff that needs untangled. My COBRA administrator is switching, which means two companies are currently demanding payment, lest they report me ineligible. So, I am double paying until I can get the mess figured out. And then, there is a huge punch list of things to do now that the house is finally going on the market. Yay for that. Cross your fingers that we actually have a buyer within the year so I can check off one more way I am no longer tied financially to my ex.

High hopes for the future!

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