Flu Shots
Starting in September, all children in New Jersey attending preschool or licensed day care centers will have to get an annual flu shot.
Wow. Flue shots are such a hot button topic, with many people on both sides of the issue. If we lived in NJ, Gigi would have to get a flu shot and that upsets me. I am not sure even yet if I want her to get flu shots Her father was going to take her to get a free flu shot administered at his workplace (he works for a huge hospital conglomerate in the area), but I asked him to take a step back and think about if she really needs it or not. Lots of kids in her school have been sick already this year, but she has been fine to date.
In the past couple of years, I have got the flu once per year and Gigi has missed it altogether. It seems like I am actually the one who would benefit from having a shot before entering a school or other workplace rather than my daughter.
So ti comes down to figuring out if administering flu shots to all preschoolers will substantially cut back on how many children in any given classroom actually suffer flu symptoms each year. I will be curious to watch and see what happens in New Jersey.
The one year I didn’t Madison a flu shot, she ended up in the hospital with the flu. Needless to say, she gets the flu shot now.