Really Bad Closed Captioning
I was watching CNN in the restaurant where my daughter and I had lunch yesterday. (I had the Asian salad and a giant glass of ice water, if you must know.) The volume was on mute, so that diner could hear the music in the restaurant, but they had on the closed captioning so that you could also follow the news while you were eating, if you so desired. I so desired.
I was amazingly entertained by the closed captioning. It was terrible, I have no idea what kind of captioning service they use, but it was laughable. Asinine. Mind-boggling in it inaccuracy. It became a game for me to find errors so glaring they changed the meaning of the sentence into something obviously nonsensical.
I have to hope those who use the closed captioning due to real hearing impairments can read lips, otherwise they really ought to get their new in print form.
Speaking as someone who IS hearing impaired, I can tell ya that the closed captioning is fun stuff.
I miss the days of the live typist. I’m not sure if they still use them, but they used to say ‘Hello’ to you when they started the newscast and they would have to backspace and retype. It was good stuff.
It was INACCURATE, but groovy.
If you need to get some news, you’re gonna have to rely on a source you trust.
Sometimes lipreading doesn’t help when the newscasters don’t speak clearly…ehhh…
By the way, I did enjoy your post. I like the new.