Life on Florida’s West Coast

Unique Gifts Fund Education

Since Christmas is a time where charity and doing things for other people is more important than ever, I love it when I can find a way to buy a unique gift for someone and know that my purchase honestly benefits someone who will actually see the difference my purchase made.

I receive Food and Wine magazine and I first saw JacarandaStyle in one of my past issues. I visited their website to find out more about their completely stunning merchandise and ended up spending a lot time learning about how the company is able to create employment for artists in the world market and also donates a portion of each sale to the Ethembeni School for Disabled Youth, in South Africa. According to the JacarandaStyle, the school has been around since 1984 and “serves 300 physically disabled and visually impaired children from all over Kwazulu -Natal, Kingdom of the Zulu.”

I’m looking around their site again tonight and I’m particularly drawn to the ceramics, which tend toward bold colors and sharp imagery. This new Jazz Bowl elicits a musical theme, even incorporating piano keys into the design. It’s earthy and sultry. It is fantastic, eye-catching, a true conversation piece. Each piece is hand painted (lead free paints) and signed by the artist. I can see this in a prominent spot on my coffee table, but the pieces are actually safe to use for food and you can put them in the dishwasher. Here, I’m including a picture so you can see just how cool this bowl is:

Oh, and I want to point out that there is actually a coupon code you can use on the site for 10% off that is valid through December, 14, 2007: JSTYLE.

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