Did you know there is an entire website dedicated to the illustrious topic of poop? Neither did I – until tonight. That’s why I enjoy Marisa’s Scribbleonthewall.com blog. She pointed me the way to this unique website. About poop. I kid you not. Check it out for yourself (it’s non-offensive and actually pretty clever).
Why do you read blogs? I’ll bet you have more than one reason. I know I do. Back when I started reading blogs, they were not even called “blogs” yet. I think we were still saying online journal or online diary. And, that is what they were for the most part – diaries. They were little musings about daily life.
These days people blog about anything. You can use a blog to talk about political opinions, run a quasi-magazine, educate on a given topic, chronicle a journey or life event – the list goes on. I tend toward blogs that are catch-all starting points to find other blogs, websites, and current events. That’s why Scribbleonthewall.com appeals to me. She basically keeps a living history of the most interesting web sites she has found in her online travels. It’s like a fun virtual road trip.

Did you check out the poop site yet? You know you want to. 
Posted in Blogging, Graphic/Web Design December 3rd, 2007 by Angie | 1 comment
Tomorrow, December 4, is the annual Holiday Helper event at Target stores nationwide. The event goes from 8 am to 10 am and all seniors receive cookies, milk, and juice, free gift warping, and even shopping assistance if you want it. Seniors will also receive coupon packets that include a $5 off a $25 purchase.
So, if you are one our nation’s lovely senior citizens and can make it to your local Target store, you’ll not want to miss an even that actual shows some respect to our wiser generation during this busy shopping season. I’m not one to usually brave the crowds, because I cannot abide seeing how rue some folks get during this time of year. An event that is planned around actually giving direct assistance to shoppers is refreshingly in line with the spirit of Christmas.
Posted in Shopping December 3rd, 2007 by Angie | No comments
I had an old telescope in the garage that had been given to me by a friend in Gainesville. I never really got it set up and working, although when we moved into our home in New Port Richey I had romantic notions about using the telescope out on the verandah. Maybe I would have used it if things had worked out for our family in that house.
So, when I was packing up to move this last time, I have it to my nephew. He loves it, but it’s a very old, very inexpensive model and I know that for a reasonable amount of money I can get him a better telescope for Christmas this year. I’ve been going nuts trying to track down the specific Transformer toys he has asked for, so I think I’ll just give up on that and go for the cool, education toy. I know he won’t be disappointed.
OpticsPlanet.com has brands like Meade and Celestron, some of the nicer telescopes on the market. I like to check out the models on line before I buy: do price comparisons, read reviews, look at warranties, etc. It’s good to look at a site that has a large selection and carries the major brands, as well as generally specializing in all things optical, like binoculars and cameras. Plus, they have free ground shipping on all orders of $29.95 or more.
Posted in Technology, Shopping December 3rd, 2007 by Angie | No comments
I read an entertainment story today that impressed me. I cannot say that for most stories that come across the wire about celebrities, sadly. Katherine Heigl, who plays Dr. Izzie Stevens on Grey’s Anatomy, says she is having a hard time with the story line for her character of late. Izzie is having an affair with her married friend, Dr. George O’Malley.
She implies she has a hard time dealing with the idea that the new couple are hurting George’s wife in their somewhat open affair, without much seeming regret. I agree the characters seem to have a callous approach the situation. Heigl goes onto say that she is going through a period where she does not feel like she knows Izzie very well.
Speaking form the point of view of a woman who thinks adultery is deplorable, I’m impressed with the fact that she can admit that she struggles with the actions of her character. All too often, actors just say that they are playing a role and have no opinion of the character’s actions. Despite whether or not Heigl is simply playing a role, I admire that she can take a step back and determine that she does not agree with the actions of Izzie. An actor can do a fantastic job portraying someone and still not side with the character.
Posted in Entertainment December 3rd, 2007 by Angie | No comments
Do you buy yourself a Christmas present as you are out and about buying for others? There have been years I don’t, but for the most part I treat myself to a little something. This year I am choosing a gift for myself that will double as what my daughter will give me. She is only four and cannot give a gift on her own and since her dad is not around anymore to help her do it, I will help her buy my gift. I am looking at mp3 players online today, because I am probably the last person in the US to still not own one. Somehow, that one fab has just slipped by without me.
Last year I bought some perfume I had been wanting and let Gigi pay at the register with my credit card. Then, I let her wrap the gift on her own. It was a nice experience for both of us. I don’t think Christmas is all about the gifts. In fact, I don’t even think gifts are even in my top 10 reasons for Christmas, but I enjoy them nonetheless. As you get older, you find fewer occasions come around that warrant you receiving a gift. So, you take it when you can get it.
It crossed my mind that it would be great to just have Gigi draw me a picture of make my present with her clay and craft things, but I wanted the mp3 player anyway, so this works out just fine.
Posted in Celebrations, Shopping December 3rd, 2007 by Angie | No comments
Here is a follow up on the arrest of former “American Idol” contestant Jessica Sierra. According the police report here in Tampa, Sierra offered an officer a sexual favor in exchange for release. The report also says she repeatedly vomited in the police car.
Sierra was arrested early Saturday morning in Ybor City (Tampa’s party district) after a tussle in the Full Moon Saloon. She was charged with disorderly intoxication, resisting arrest without violence and violating probation. When she went before a judge Sunday, she was denied bail and informed that she may be looking at 11 years in prison if she is ultimately convicted of violating probation.
Locally, Sierra is known as a frequent fixture on the party scene and as a local celebrity who wants to make sure the world does not forget who she is. There are often stories floating around about her entitled behavior, combative demeanor, and frequent drinking. While most people commenting on local discussion forms agree that Sierra needs to be taken off our streets, there is at least one conspiracy theorist who keeps popping up to insist that she was set and that “jealous females spiked her diet Pepsi.” 
Posted in Entertainment December 3rd, 2007 by Angie | No comments
Beginning today, December 3, Overstock.com is launching their All I want for Christmas Giveaway. And, it’s a big one. I’ve already signed up and hit the ground running.
You can win presents for yourself and five of your friends, worth up to $1000 each. The big daddy of prizes is the grand prize where the gifts are worth up to $5000 each. My mind is thrilling with the possibilities. It sure would beat the Mel Brooks 10-pack of movies I bought my dad, though I still think it’s a great gift in and of itself.
All you have to do is register, then actually browse through the site and choose gifts you’d like to give. You just click the link that says “Email to a Friend” and enter overstocks contest address into that field. Doing so registers your entry. The link is about a quarter of the way down the page and it is a small text link. Look carefully or you might actually miss it.
I love selecting hypothetical gifts. It’s sort of like when I was a kid and would spend hours looking through the big Christmas catalogs from Sears or JCPenney each year. I would over those for hours just dreaming about the dolls
I’d choose to give the gifts to family members, like my mom, sister, daughter and father. Why? I’m not in the position to buy fabulous gifts for them this year and it would be cool to be able to put something fab under the tree for them.
I already sent an entry for a 32” LCD HDTV television. That’s for me. I miss the big screen TV I had back when I was still married. ? Next, I think I am going to look for a really easy to use video camera for my sister. Hers is too complicated. Plus, I don’t have one either and would love to be able to borrow it from her. Hey Pfunk, I’ll be entering to win a gift for you, too. This is going to be fun…

Posted in Shopping December 3rd, 2007 by Angie | No comments