I Had an Evel Knievel Doll
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It was the 1970s and Evel Knievel was a superstar. He was so hot, in fact, that a line of toys and dolls was developed on his image. And, those were cool toys, not the dorky ones that none of the kids actually wanted to admit having.
And now, Evel Knievel is dead. The motorcycle daredevil was 69 years old and those of us who were children of the 70s are finally in a position to understand that 69 is not so very old.
It is said Evel broke every bone in his body, some more than once, over the course of his exciting career as one of the most beloved daredevils. This is a guy who was awarded sports programs on ABC simply on the merit of his death defying stunts, like his attempt to jump the quarter-mile Snake River Canyon in 1974 on his rocket-powered “Sky-Cycle”.
Certainly, he was an icon of my childhood and will be missed with longing and admiration.
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