Life on Florida’s West Coast

My Life With Murphy: in search of a writing instrument

I’ve decided to write on my Murphy-isms from time to time. I am THAT person, the one who lives a life that would have made Edward Aloysius Murphy, Jr. quite proud. “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong”. People laugh at me initially when I tell them that my life is so full of perfect illustrations for Murphy’s Law that I have finally learned to just shrug them off. Once a person has known me for a while, they just nod sagely each time they see it happen – which is often. If it’s going to happen, it’ll happen either TO me or near me.

I have hundreds of pens and pencils. I have them in old mugs, in desk drawers, and in shoeboxes. I even have some in storage. I have lot of advertising pens from throughout the years. I have pencils that have been given to me by students. I have writing instruments I bought because they were on sale or because I liked the way they wrote.

So, how is it that sometimes when I need something to write with, every single pencil I come across is broken or has never been sharpened? How is it that each of the pens I pick up is out of ink? This does not happen all of the time. It only happens if I am on the phone and need to write down important information or, when I have an all-too-rare flash in writing inspiration. And, it is happening right now. I have, at this point in time, thrown a total of 30 pens in the trash can next to my desk. I have thrown all 30 in the trash without having yet encountered one that will write.

How odd. It reminds me of the time that all five of the wrist watches I owned at one point had stopped, seemingly out of batteries. When I took them all to have new batteries put in, the jeweler noticed they had all stopped at exactly 11:17. All of them. The same time. This happened even though I had been wearing one at the time and the others were either in my jewelry box or on my dresser.

Murphy and his blasted law. *sigh*

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Comment by minutechaser Subscribed to comments via email
2007-11-23 22:37:02

LOL this thing with the pens and pencils happens to me all the time. Same goes for parking spots – I can never find one and I always have to go round in circles, duh!

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