Water is a Precious Resource
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Many parts of our country are under strict water restrictions. I cannot remember a time recently where we did not have a once a week lawn watering where in my area of Florida. Local authorities say that although our current restrictions are set to run out, the the laws may be extended or even tightened.
As hard at things seem here, I think about Orme, Tennessee. Natural water source levels there are so low that the town had access to water only three hours each evening; from 6 pm to 9 pm. The 145 residents rely on water trucked in from Alabama.
Imagine having only three hours for the laundry, bathing, doing housework, watering animals and absolutely anything else that requires running water.
I hope this will be a lesson to the people in my neighborhood who feel it is their right to water 3 times a week as long as they do it on the sly in the middle of the night. Or, for the businesses who water as they wish. Running out of water is a very real possibility in some areas.
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