The Unnamed Artist
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Speaking of gifts, I have this very expensive, very cool print I bought about a year and a half ago at an art show. It was intended to be a gift for my daughter’s godfather, Harvey. Somehow, in the confusion of my ex-husband imploding about two weeks after we bought the print, I never had it framed. And now, the godparents are coming for a visit and will be here Monday! I have to go out today anyway to find a new brass door knocker and some other door furniture, so I should really get that print out and see if I can find someone willing to frame it within the next couple of days.
I love errands, but when I start to have to operate under a deadline I lose that joy. My mind is racing. I have a frame shop I loved to use back before I was married, but that was a long time ago and considerably further south in the county. I suppose I could look online and see if they are still in business.
Do you want to know what makes it worse? I cannot find the information on the artist and I cannot make out the signature well enough to guess. It was an expensive print and think the gift would be more special if I could provide a bio of the artist. The subject matter deals with Hebrew removals to the ghetto communities and there is a lot of history I need a little assistance explaining.
OK, I’m getting way off topic here and it might just be better to go get this thing framed now.
Can you post a photo of it? I’d love to see it! Certainly, Harvey will be impressed by gift, even if it doesn’t have artist or other historical info. You could even give the print without the frame and they could decide how best to frame it themselves for their own decor. Very nice.
Your wish is my command.
I took a photo and posted it to my blog. In my wildest dreams the artist would actually come across my blog and solve my mystery.