Finding Your Community Online
Getting ready to look for a job in any given area is hard enough, even if you know the area. When you are looking for jobs in another state or country, the task gets a little trickier. Back in the days before the internet, I would use both a headhunter and order the newspaper from the city where I was getting ready to move. It took a while lot of planning and tracking. If I let myself have a couple months BEFORE my move to plan well, I would usually have three or four interviews set up for the first week I was in my new place.
The internet has certainly changed the face of job hunting. If I were to look for jobs in London, for example, I could just get online and find local community and classifieds sites that service a particular area. It’s par for the course for most people looking for employees to post the job ads online now. I could simple do a search for London jobs and narrow the search results down by job title or the general category where I am looking.
I particularly like if you’re looking for community pages that can lead you to info on jobs, rentals, even dating. Community is a relative terms these days. It used to mean the literal people in your physical neighborhood. Now you can go online and find a community while sitting in front of your computer.
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