Life on Florida’s West Coast

Barcelona Apartments, Sunsets, and Catalan Cooking

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I’ve long been a believer that the travel industry has fully moved to the internet. Most people do not walk into boutique travel agencies that have storefronts in the downtown area anymore. You log onto the net and find the agency that can negotiate the best price and the best service – all from the comfort of your office chair.

I am also a total convert when it comes to the concept of renting apartments or villas for vacations instead of boring hotel rooms. Why stay in one cramped room when you can usually find a full condo, apartment or house for about the same price? You just have to know where to look.

You want to find an agency that specializes in villa and apartment vacation rentals, like So, when you are traveling to somewhere like Spain, you can find comfortable, unique Barcelona apartments and spend more time enjoying the infamous sunsets and the slow-cooked decadence of Catalan dishes. Stroll the narrow streets of Barri Gotic and sit down to savor a snack of pa amb tomàquet.

I am well-rested when I have the space and comfort of an apartment. Have you ever come home from a vacation only to find you are more stressed and tired than before you left? It has a lot to do with all of the things you give up when you decide to stay for nights on end in a tiny hotel room. One vacation, I rented a 4-bedroom pool home with two living areas and a fully stocked kitchen, washer/dryer and massive entertainment system for less than a hotel room per night. Now, THAT is a vacation.

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