Life on Florida’s West Coast

Kids and Colds

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It can be a challenge to properly medicate a young child these days.

Gigi woke up with her head badly congested and it quite quickly moved into a sinus headache. The poor kid has probably only ever had a headache before the last time she had the flu. Today was a struggle for her to stay happy and energetic. As someone who get frequent headaches, I really felt bad for her.

I sat in the La-Z-Boy with her and rubbed her temples while I asked her to just keep her head still by focusing on the wall sconce across the room. Eventually, she closed her eyes and relaxed a little but, but every time she would move her head would hurt again.

I was able to find one chewable Sudafed in my box of tricks, but it was the last of the pack. Since the FDA has led the crusade in removing pretty much every single over the counter medication that really worked for nasal decongestion from the store shelves, I was out of luck by the time we got to the store. The Pharmacy was closed and most everything we needed was locked up. Also, this past week most stores pulled cold medications off the shelf if they were formulated for children.

I did find one combination congestion/cough medication for Gigi that seems to be helping her head feel better. But, when it comes down to it, you have little in the way of options if you want to find something at the store to give a child with a cold or congestion. In fact, antihistamines are under fire right now as well. Prescriptions are an option, but not on a Saturday night.

She seems to be feeling better. I gave her the congestion /cough liquid along with something for headaches.

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Comment by Jenn Subscribed to comments via email
2007-10-14 22:49:35

I hear that Benadryl is good.
Some bizarre, blog-reducing side effects though. ;)

Oh, and did you hear that some infant/small children cough and cold medicine is being withdrawn?

Comment by Angie
2007-10-15 00:05:53

Yep. I can see why they are doin git, but the meds also work so well when a child is sick. I think over-dosing was a concern. I tend to underdose Gigi anyway, even with childrens Tylenol. She had a fever and a cold this weekend, so it was painfully obvious about the new FDA guidelines when we went to the pharmacy and saw all the empty spots on the shelf.

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