Life on Florida’s West Coast

William vs Harry

My friend and I were just talking the other day about which of the British prices is more appealing: William or Harry. She was in the William camp while I tried to point out why Harry was the clear winner. I am pretty sure neither one of us convinced the other.

But then today I have to stop and look at the headlines that are out regarding the princes. William, it is reported, is on his way to becoming an Air Force pilot. That is daring and noble and perfectly sexy. Harry, on the other hand, has apparently been photographed snorting vodka. That’s just gross.

I very well may have been wrong about Harry. Wrong, indeed.

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1 Comment »

Comment by Pfunk
2007-10-11 23:06:39

All I can say is this:
Eubie Blake did write a song called, ‘I’m just wild about Harry’ so you have your points.

I’m just sayin’ that William is cuter.
He will go bald first, but he’s cute.

Snorting vodka?

That’s priceless.

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