Life on Florida’s West Coast

Cat Pee or Meth?

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I had an ongoing debate with the lawn guy at my old house in Gainesville. He insisted this odor we could both smell in the back corner of my yard was someone running a meth lab. I insisted it smelled like a cat had been peeing there on a regularly basis. I never did find out the truth, but I would put money on the cat pee.

And now a news story out of the local area kind of backs up my theory.

Cynthia Hunter, of Lithia, was in jail for 50 days. She was accused of petty theft at a WalMart and possession of a controlled substance.

Deputies found a vial containing a yellow substance in her purse and thought it was methamphetamine. Lab tests were eventually run and it turns out it was just cat urine. She kept trying to tell the cops it was just dehydrated cat urine for her son’s science project.

The deputy did a field test for drugs and the test indicated methamphetamine. So much for field tests, huh.

She still pled guilty to the theft, but can you even imagine how ridiculous it must have felt to her that she was in jail that long for cat pee?

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