Over Sensitive Advocacy Groups
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You know what? I could care less right now how Jewish and Muslim groups feel about Sen. John McCain’s opinion about wanting a Christian president. He quite clearly stated the fact that this nation was founded by Christian men and on Christian principals. Those are cold, hard facts. If anyone wants to express their desire to see a Christian as president, they have every right to do so. And, I happen to agree with McCain.
That’s my opinion. And, I’m sure there are those of you out there who feel I don’t have the right to my own opinion. But then, that would just be your opinion wouldn’t it?
Large advocacy groups are out to smear McCain now. There are claims that McCain is not supporting the freedom of religion. That, though, is just asinine. McCain never said only a Christian could be president. He simply said he would prefer to see one in office.
People need to stop letting their feelings get hurt so easy.
There will always be controversy around religion.
Kennedy was blasted for being Catholic.
I feel less inclined to see an atheist president.
Our president must have some faith that is based on
fundamental truths.
You can say you’re Christian all day long, but if you’re not practicing it, it’s all for naught if you ask me.
I don’t know how I’ll vote yet, but I do know that I don’t put much stock in the business of getting away from the issues.
It’s just one more thing to cloud our judgment.