Life on Florida’s West Coast

More Activity is Key

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I was looking at multi-vitamins at the grocery store last week and they happened to be right next to the diet supplements, water pills and other products for weight loss. I was astounded at how many different products there were just in the supermarket. I imagine if I were to have walked into t a store like GNC, there would have been even more. I know the internet market for things like the hoodia patch and fat blockers is through the proverbial roof.

If you listen to the news reports, you would be led to believe this heavier American population is due almost entirely to our eating habits. While there is a lot more fast food in our diets as a while, I still look back to the menus my grandparents and before ate on a daily basis. Most lived on farms or in small, southern towns. They ate a lot of breads, gravies, meat and noodles. There were beans and vegetables when they were season. People drank whole milk and unfiltered water. Overall, it was a hearty diet, rich is fat and carbohydrates.

What I feel was different was the level of activity In the past, there were more reason to get up and move around. Laundry was a real chore, farming and gardening was a daily task. Televisions were not in most households and children simply ran and played outside until supper.

For those of use who do not like the concept of going to the gym or doing monotonous exercise, a lifestyle that naturally incorporates more movement and hard, physical work just might be a key element to health.

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1 Comment »

Comment by Pfunk
2007-10-01 14:25:29

I agree. Thankfully, I live in a walking city.
It’s sometimes faster to walk than it is to take a subway and walking is some of the best exercise you can engage in and it doesn’t require special equipment or an expensive gym membership.
I remember when I was a kid and we were outside all day long. Even if we did have video games, those would have been relegated to rainy day activities only after we exhausted our imaginations.
Even when I lived in California, the drivingest state in the Union, I walked pretty much everywhere. It was out of necessity, but it made me feel good and it was usually the only exercise I got.
So…keep on movin’, sister.
Gully will appreciate it, I’m sure.

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